Saturday, November 23, 2013

Small Accomplishments

So I am up at 6 on a fine Saturday morning and I was thinking about my past accomplishments in the last couple if months and it can be surprising to look back. Last night I took note of these things.
1) I have consistently worked out for 60 days
2) I have improved my mile to be 13:00 from 14:35
3) I can do a plank on my left AND right side!
4) I have improved my eating habits
5) I did 2 5K's
6) I ran 4.60 miles my splits where 13:05, 12:38, 13:07, 17:19(Train), 5:15
7) I feel better
8) I've turned much of my thunder thighs (lol) into muscle
9) I FINALLY realized Alex wasn't a liar, I do look slimmer
10) I fit in my size 12 capris, my favorite ones!

I hadn't taken time to appreciate the little accomplishments and as I was reading 2 of the ladies I follow, Tanee (  and Amanada ( I had to start from somewhere and this will take time. Although I did not start out with the challenges they had, I have my own battle on weight loss. I meet my weight for diet bet as I said in a pervious blog but I started lifting weights and focusing on my power muscles a little more and I gained weight but I am not discouraged. I have a goal of 169 by Dec. 24 but if I don't reach it, it is not for lack of trying. I have 4 weeks but that's ok, I weighted 179.6 this morning and I know it's because my muscle density has increased and that's ok! Both Amanda and Tanee reminded me you have o start somewhere and the biggest challenge is starting and then keeping it up. This is a lifestyle change and it is worth it!

Don't forget to check out of vlog! Friday's video had a terrible time uploading as the storm knocked out out internet over night so Alex woke up to 2% uploaded... he was not a happy camper! Come check us out

We love you guys. Keep up for goals and remember the small accomplishments. I'm off the get some chores done while Saryn in asleep!

Love ya!
Alex, Kelsie, Saryn and Kaiya


Monday, November 18, 2013

Merchandise Store

Hey so basically we have some seriously awesome news.  We have a merchandise store.  Thats right you heard me right.  You can buy phone cases, shirts, hoodies, and beanies.  Also if you let us know what else you want, we can go through and see what we can do.  Our merch website is

Here is just a little sample:


Doesn't that just look cool? Anyways the website that we are using to sell our stuff is  They are an amazing site where you can go and design you own stuff and either buy it or sell it.  We hope you all are super excited. So there are a few ways you can get to the site really easy.  One you can click on the phone case and it will take you right to the site.  Also you can click on the link above or just above our profile picture you can click where it says, "buy some whacky stuff."
  Things are going awesome and we are happy that we can share our life with you.  Have an amazing day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Setting Goals, Pancakes and Shocker

So I have decided that goals are a good way to measure progress. We recently lost weight for our diet bet on and have felt super stoked. It was a 4 week challenge to reach a certain goal weight. My goal was 175.3 or less and Alex's was 166.3. I had started this last week at 177 and I knew I could reach my goal. Weigh in day I hit 174 and I was SOOO happy, Alex came in at 165.8 and he went and got Taco Bell and there was much rejoices in our house. Then came the hard part, keeping that spirit up. This weekend to say the least SUCKED. I have been on weight watchers for the past month so my stomach has defiantly gotten smaller as I can not eat the same amount I used to. But anyway, we traveled to Cedar City on Friday for a swimming invitational for the high schools Alex coaches and we made a few unhealthy but delicious choices. We had In and Out Burger, delicious food and a lot of it at SUU's cafeteria, eggs, fruit smoothies, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, and Pizza. As Cedar city and our hotel had no 4G and the wifi was terrible I did not use my weight watchers tool this weekend but I know i went over my points and then some in the last 3 days. It happens I guess but sometimes you have to allow your body to veg and pick it up the following week, that is what this week is going to be. My workout schedule has been fairly consistent and  I've started to love running again. My farthest run thus far was 4.6 this last week and it was awesome, I always feel like a rock star when I do something I am proud of, it has mostly been just 5K(3.1m) because I am comfortable with that I know I can do those without killing myself. But do to this run I overworked my poor feets. And the last 3 days we decided our bodies needed a little R&R. You can't continue to just work out and work out, our bodies need to catch up at some point. Yea I may be back up to 178 tonight but I am ok with the fact I am going to hit it hard this week and I am going to start lifting weight and do a lot more strength training. I still have a goal to meet by 12/24, I want to be at 169 or less, thats 6 weeks folks. It is possible but I know I need to stay dedicated!
We were watching one of our vlogs today and I FINALLY noticed that Alex wasn't lying. I have lost weight and it is starting to show. Shocker. I have had time believing him as I see myself everyday in the mirror and there is no drastic change but watching a video from this morning made me feel more confident. I am getting healthier and that is the goal. After all, I do have a half marathon in May I need to be ready for.

Family Life
SO Saryn thinks its the funnest, coolest thing to put herself in Kaiya's kennel, I don't know why but we keep finding her in there. She's crazy... Alex has 4 weeks of class left for this semester and he is so excited for the holiday break. He's got his schedule for next semester and it looks like an all online which will be so nice for scheduling. He can still do his high school swimming and his surfer's swim practice but it also means less time we need someone else to babysit during the day. We have not figured out his work schedule but we are hoping it will be nice and possibly a break for working 4:45am's, we shall see. I'm trying to find a purpose in life between working, playing with my family and my weight loss goals. It's hard to decide if I want to obtain my Master's and if so in what and what I want to do with my life. We want to get Alex through school but then what? Does he get a full time job and I stay at home, do we both work opposite full time shifts and never see each other, do I get a higher paying full time job and Alex just stay at home? Who knows we have to cross that bridge when it gets here and as uncertain as it may be our happiness is what matters. We love our supports and love those who don't support us. We are Whacky, we are crazy, we are vloggers and we are awesome. Don't you forget it!

Love you all!
Alex, Kelsie, Saryn and Kaiya

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 20 - Weight Watchers and Cookies, Hit and Run

So the 5 amigos did the 5k Hit and Run in SLC this last Saturday 10/12/13. It was great fun! We were all pumped and had a great time going through the obstacles and pushing each other to excel. Laughs were all around and little bit of pain and soreness after all was said and done. Check out the video on the Bearded Runner channel, .We are all on our own pursuit of happiness and feeling comfortable in our skin. All our friends are looking great and have made some major improvements to their lifestyle, they truly are inspirations to us. One friend has changed their life completely losing 70 lbs and moving forward no matter what wrenches are thrown in their path. Another friend amazes us at their ability to turn their frown upside down and push through life's hardships and find joy in the exercise they are doing and they look so good!

Well after many nights of contemplating what I wanted to do, I finally decided I would join Weight Watchers. We have been working out consistently for 20 days now and unfortunately as hard as I have been working my tail off and sweating like crazy, I have only seen my weight drop from 184 to a steady 181.6. Although this is progress it is so frustrating. So I need to make a lifestyle change. I need a way to make myself accountable for everything I am eating. So far on Day 2 of weight watchers, day one officially, I met the requirements of 30 points. It is surprising how healthy choices really do allow you to eat more without feeling guilty. The other thing I like, I don't have to be super nervous about what I am eating or how many calories are in what I am eating. It is nice I must say. Alex and I have been going over meal ideas and I think I will redo my beautiful menu board and create a new one. Change all around in the Hill house.

Saryn is our crazy kid who we call our personal trainer she is a source of much of Kelsie's drive to be healthier. She wants to be able to keep up with Saryn now and in years to come. It's amazing what a small child can do to make you want to turn your health around. Today, 10/14 she learned how to climb out of her crib... we might be in trouble now....

Well that's all we got for now! Keep on keeping on. Don't let the past keep you down use it as a stepping stone to get you to the next point in life! Love you all!

The Whacky Chels

Monday, October 7, 2013

Misheard lyrics with dentists

Have you ever listened to that catchy song on the radio and start singing at the top of your lungs and then your friend looks at you and says, "you know that's not the lyrics to the song right?" Flabbergasted you instantly reply back with your ever so confident voice, "those are too the lyrics!"  We have all come pass this at one point or the other.  That is why Kelsie and I made an awesome video.  We had fun making this video we hope you enjoyed it as well.  Misheard lyrics, aren't they fun.

Anyways things are going as crazy as ever here in the Hill house.  We just got done with having an amazingly awesome General Conference this past weekend.  As I was going through listening to it I was impressed with the focus on family.  I love my family and I am so grateful and fortunate to have such an amazing one.  But not a day goes by that I don't fear for what is to come.  We are constantly being attacked on all fronts.  Look at what is happening in the media.  Cherish your family, love them. Hug them.  Kiss them.

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in 3 years.  Technology has changed a lot since then.  X-rays are sure different and they have a actual camera that they stuck in my mouth to take still pictures.  I don't think I have ever seen my teeth like that before. But after chatting it up with everybody in the office and making them all laugh I left with an appointment.  The time frame for that appointment.......6 months!!! Meaning that I had no cavities.  Call it sheer luck or I am just that good, I am happy I don't have to have a fat face.  Kelsie has her appointment at the end of the month.  Hopefully she will have the same good news as me.

Oh enough of this rambling. Be sure to check out the YouTube channel for any thing else I might have forgotten this fine day.


Friday, October 4, 2013

One Day At A Time - I AM NOT AFRAID!!

So it hasn't been too long since Alex last posted for us here's a quick update. Today is my dad's birthday. My parents are having their kitchen remodeled and they didn't want to eat out so we had them over for dinner, Happy Birthday Dad!
End of August - Alex headed back to school, he is loving his spanish class!! He also started coaching for the Surfer's swim team and he couldn't be happier!!
September - What a blur!! We went to Visit the Hill grandparents in Idaho over labor day weekend. We had fun visiting and spending quality time as a family. Alex ran his first half marathon in 1:58:13 he was so excited he came in under 2 hours! I ran my first 5k in 47 minutes :) It's slow but I'm proud of myself!

Saryn - Our little girl is now 18 months and is so crazy! If you haven't checked out our videos on YouTube yet, you need to!! Alex's posts a vlog almost everyday if not every other day! She is the pride and joy in out life,  check it out!
She had her 18 month well baby were she received her DTap and will shortly get her Hep A.. yay vaccines... It is amazing how fast she is growing. She weight 23.4 lbs and was 34 inches tall. She is a bean pole!! The good thing though is she is proportional so despite the fact she hates to eat she still looks like we feed her (which we do) and her head is normal.. Darn.. I though we had a big headed brain child.. maybe.. Anyway she makes us laugh, cry and watch Finding Nemo 46 times in one week. Needless to say we have an addiction on our hands and his name is Ne-MOOO! Saryn has also taken a liking to Dora the Explorer and Barney. When she wants to watch Dora she says DO Do Do Do Dora like the opening. When she wants Barney she says Barneyy and Bebop... and it melts your heart at how cute she sounds. She loves guacamole, mac and cheese, milk and oreos. I am a winning parent with this diet :)

Speaking of diet Alex and I have decided to FINALLY make a lifestyle change. It's called Cheltember and beyond. Alex and I are known for our name the Whacky Chel's so we have named our endeavor much like Shay Carl has, to resemble our name. It gives it a personal feel instead of "I'm going on a diet 'till I'm not fat anymore." I say I am overweight alot because it IS true there is no excuse now for the extra weight I have, it is not muscle it is FAT. I am calling it what it is. But I am not letting it keep me down now. I have started and stopped and started and stopped the process of change over and over again and it is HARD!! Those who have tried to lose the weight or transform it know what I am talking about. I am not afraid anymore. I recently went for a run with my friend Cailtin and I wore the most revealing shorts I have ever worn - running shorts -- it showed my thighs to the WHOLE world and you know what I DO NOT CARE. We live in such a stereotypical world that likes to define beauty as someone who is so thin you can see their rib cage. I am not that person nor will I ever be like this. What I can say is this, right now as I sit here typing this, I weigh 180.5 lbs, I weighted 184 last week. I wear my stretch marks as a badge of honor and I don't care what anyone has to say about my body. Sticks and stone certainly will break my bones but the words other people say can not break the stone wall I have built to protect my own beauty. I am strong and I am making a difference in my life. WE have committed to work out every day, even if it is a walk around the block or a 60 minutes cardio intensive workout that kicks our trash, every little bit of exercise you can get in the day is more exercise then you would have had without making a change. We are not eliminating any food just limiting what we can have, everything in moderation. I don;t want to give up the things I love so I'm not. It is easier to have someone on this journey with you, I am glad I have Alex, who's goal is completely in the opposite direction and playing field as my goal but he is there to help me achieve mine. I want to lose 15 lbs in 2 months, I know in that time fat will convert to muscle which is denser then fat but that's ok! We are taking this one day at a time. Don't be afraid to ask me about my journey, the best part is sharing and gaining more support.

Sorry to ramble but I'm pumped! We are headed to bed and hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll keep up with our blog more!


The Whacky Chel's!
Saryn :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Been A while...

Well hello hello hello,

Things are just going crazy here.  I figured since we are still getting a few people coming over here to find out about us I better just give you an update on what is going on.

1. Kelsie is completely done with school.  She just barely finished up with school last week and is both loving not having school and missing it at the same time.  She comes home and goes, "What am i Going to do? I have no school work.." Guess its time to start some projects.  All though we are not happy with the University because they don't seem to want to cooperate with us at the moment.  More on that later.

2. Alex Is just having a blast working and getting ready for school. I am ready for the time to fly by with school, but at the same time I have enjoyed not having school this Summer.

3. Saryn is 17 months old but she acts like she is 2 already.  She is crazy and very cute.  She loves to imitate and just be awesome.

4.  We are on YouTube!!! Go Watch.  SUBSCRIBE. Like!  If you really want to keep up with us that is the place to go. .  We love being apart of the youtube community.  Saryn is the star of our whacky life.  Sometimes even she does the recording.  Also if you haven't go like our facebook page,

We love you guys and enjoy you all.  We will post every now and then on here but if you want to find out whats going on, get onto youtube or facebook.  We try to have a video up every day.


Alex, Kelsie, and Saryn
The Whacky Chels

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Form of interaction

Many of you might have seen, but many of you may not have.  We have been slacking horribly in the blogging department.  Kelsie and I have been way swamped with homework, regular work, and well being parents.  So to help you keep up with our lives We Have started a vlog. For many of you who don't know what a vlog is, well it is a video blog.  We are now on I am doing my best to try and keep you up to date with what is happening in our life.  Here is just a quick little video (ok it is about 3-4 minutes long. But it is soooo worth it!!!)  Be sure to subscribe to my channel. and share it with your friends :D!.  We love your support.  Don't be afraid to comment :D. We love you guys and can't wait to share our lives with you .

Friday, January 18, 2013

10 months later

You mean to tell me if I'm naughty, I get nothing from Santa...?
Well it has been a very long time since we last posted. We have done so much in the last 7 months it's hard to believe this much time has already passed. We are excited for 2013 and for the many wonderful adventure that are soon to come. Instead of recapping months I will recap the big events from the last few months for all 3 of us.

Saryn- Our little Kiddo is now 9 months old and is so silly. I have never met a baby like her that is for sure. She keeps us all on our toes. She enjoys playing with all her toys and throwing them. She is fasinated with climbing up and down the stairs. She can stand on her own and when you hold her hands she does a silly walk where she throws her leg high and points her toe then sets it down to step. She is so silly! We love her muchly. Saryn's most favorite thing to do is go to the pool and "swim". She loves the water and gets excited everytime she sees the water. We think we have the beginning of an olympian.. hah. Saryn loves to spend time playing with her Papa when he gets home from work. He has taken her down to the see the horses and she has named the horsey Mi ma and Papa got her for Christmas Dodo (Short for Dakota her favorite horsey). She loves to be tickled by Mi ma and spend time with her when she gets home. She loves climbing all the stairs in the house to find where everyone is hiding. We are still trying to get her to say me-me(Mi-Ma).  Saryn spends her mon wed and fri's at Grandma hill's house while mom and dad go to work and school. She loves to play with Grandma and Grandpa and to play tug a war with Toby. She sleeps through the night mostly and wakes up a very happy baby. She is still working on the mullet, the top hair isn't very dark and kelsie is pretty sure she is going to eventually be a blonde. Saryn enjoyed her first Christmas where she was spoiled rotten by everyone including Santa. She is such a sweet baby and we love her to pieces. We are excited to watch her grow and are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Alex- Mr. Man started school at Weber this fall after graduating with his associates at SLCC. We are so proud of him and are happy he is now doing very well at Weber. Alex has decided to pursue a Health and Promotions major in wellness. His first semester back a Weber in this major brought about very good grades despite our crazy life. Alex got to run a 50 miler with his dad, although they were unable to finish due to complications they still had fun. Alex had surgery in August shortly after his race to repair his hernia for the 2nd time. We hope it stays away forever! Alex has started running again slowly but surely to get back into doing what he loves most!  Alex is still at the pool and will probably be looking for a new job for the fall (We'll see). Alex has been one of the head swim coahes at Roy High school this last school year and is looking at sending 8 kids to state. He is happy to end the season strong.

Kelsie- Almost finished with school. After a semester off, Kelsie has been plugging along through the summer semester and into the fall semester to hopefully finish up her degree this coming summer and walk at graduation in April. She is excited and is trying to get all her ducks in a row for the spring semester so she can have the green light for graduation. She started working at Bridgewater International at the end of November and is so far really liking it. We are hoping once she graduates she can get into a job in her degree, but for now she is ok with where she is at.

The Hill family- In December our family got pre-approved for a home loan and started looking at houses. Right now we are under contract for a house in Sunset, Ut and as long as everything goes smoothly we should close on the 30th of Jan. We are so excited to be getting our own home and starting our life! We hope everything works out so we can keep the gears moving. If this house for some reason falls through we won't give up!

Our resolutions for this year:
1. Start Doing more family prayer and scripture reading. (So far we are doing great)
2. Get healthy. We are working on getting a better lifestyle and destressing our lives. We want to be healthly happy and full of energy.
3. Pass our classes
4. Remeber the Lord in everything we do
5. Don't forget to say Thank you
6. Remember the small and simple things
7.Go on at least 1 date a month

We know there are more things we want to be better at this year but this is a start. We have a lot of things going on in the very near future and we are taking it one step at a time!
For now we are living life and loving every belessing and trial we have been given.

Alex, Kelsie and Saryn