Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Day 3 - Chapter 3


‘I have a boyfriend’ - the line killer to the start of any good relationship. His all-consuming thoughts every day were her and how can I see that smile again. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long, he could see her behind the front desk most days between 3:30pm and 9:00pm. He lucked out with coaching swim team falling in between that time frame.
They would text some of the time and had good conversation getting to know each other. He assumed he would continue to flirt, maybe his luck would pay off if he showed her he was sincere.
She broke up with her boyfriend, this must be a sign. But he needed encouragement from Krista to ask her out. You never know until you try…She said YES!
She’s left him a surprise at work one morning...One wish
So he left her one wish back.
That kiss was the sweetest one ever had….

Day 2 - Chapter 2

We worked together every Saturday. She would get irritated he was late...he just wanted sleep from his long weeks. She was a junior in high school, he was flunking out his first year at college.
(Jail bait!!)
One Saturday morning he tricked her into giving him HER number. Something to the effect of "so if I'm late, I can just call you instead of the front desk.
Seemed innocent.
That Monday morning she gets a text from a random number:
"Good morning beautiful"
Her thoughts....who the heck is texting me??? Then she remembers it could only be one person awake this early and this sweet......
His plan starts now, she just doesn't know it yet...
---End chapter 2

Day 1 - Chapter 1

(8/1/2018) - 

The beginning of a 10-year love story(so far) told in 21 chapters...
Boy meets girl at a local swimming pool. He was a lifeguard, I was a cashier. The first time we meet his reputation proceeded him, the pool flirt.
Alex: Hi I'm Alex, what's your name?
-said over the front counter on a not so busy afternoon
Kelsie - I'm Kelsie.
Alex: Ooooo so you're the "other" Kelsey.
-said with too much emphasis on other
----my first thoughts.....this dude's a douche!!! ðŸ˜‚😂
--End of Chapter 1

Hello from the Hill Venture Crew!

Here we are 4 years since our last post. We hope to update a little more regularly.

Kelsie has gained attention from her Facebook friends regarding the mini-series love story about us. The next few posts will be the last 21 days that recaps our entire relationship to today! We hope you enjoy. We have many journeys ahead and mountains to climb! you can join us on our journey here:

