Sunday, December 19, 2010

An hour later

Dude i want chinese... That's how our day was on Saturday. So yesterday was a great way to end the week. Kelsie, as you probably read has had a rough week and Saturday was her first day back to work, and she had to be there at 6:45am. So I sent my alarm and I'll let her take it from there. Yea...I didn't hear his alarm so at 6:30 I wake up, that's kinda how my week has been wake up at random hours wanting more medication for pain so I'll take 6:30 as opposed to 2:30am and so does alex. So we get up, I walk upstairs to get my food for the day and Mother Hill tells me, "hey there's about 3 inches of snow outside. Are you heading to work right now?" haha o great yelling down "ALEX!!!" I get a groaned "..what..."... "There's about 3 inches of snow on the ground, can you shovel the drive way?" SO as i wonder the kitchen grabbing random items of food i didn't really want to eat, Alex was out shoveling in his transformer jamm-ies. As we were able to pull out of the drive way, we attempted to make it up the hill. Well, it literally took 5 minutes of slowly going what basically seemed no-where, when we finally made it 50ft to the flat-er part of the road. We got on the highway going about 25mph while some people, including a semi, passed us going at least 45+, yea it seemed fast to us. We finally got to the pool at 7:05, haha.
So i worked until noon, and alex worked at noon and we were not busy at all so of course I got sent home early at 1. Well i didn't want to drive home so I took a nap on the pool deck until 3 and waited another hour till he got off. So I was hungry, he was hungry, so we made our way to Fresh Market...ok team Alex Talking.... now at first when we got to fresh market we sort of had an idea of what we wanted to eat but not really. Kelsie and i seem to have a habit of going to the store for one thing and then leaving with a whole lot more than what we planned on. However this trip was not like that. When we got there we got what we wanted and then went to the hot cocoa section and well we stared at the shelves for what to me felt like an eternity. we wanted to originally get stephens hazlenut hot cocoa but decided not to and just ended up getting the hazlenut flavored creamer. And then we headed over to the frozen food section. This is where time just flew by. Because we must had walked up and down that place at least 40 times trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. After an hour we decided on chinese. But which brand? which dish? it was so hard to decide so finally kelsie says "hey why don't we just make our own chinese at home?" wow that was the best idea ever!! now we can flavor it how we want!! So we ran over to the asian section and picked out our sauces. She went with sweet and sour and i went with sesame. Ran back over to the frozen section and got some stir fry veggies and baamm!!! we made chinese. It was really epic in the kitchen the smells were delightful and well we each got what we wanted. Noting like chinese to finish off a long day!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Crazy december

Man oh man here we are december 17 and well we have been slackers in the blogging dept. Many things have happened in december, one of the main ones is that kelsie and I are now finished with school for the sememster. Kelsie did great this semester passing all of her classes and just loving her classes. She is grateful to be done and is greatly enjoying the break from class. I finished this week and well for the first semester back off the mission did surprisingly well. I am excited to start next semester. As part of our pre-celbration, I took kelsie skiing. It was a very fun experience for the two of us. However the snow was not quite up to par because well utah likes to be weird in its weather patterns. Snow for a few days then be 50 degrees for a week. Kelsie did great in the learning area mastering all the turning and stopping in the plow but lets just say slushies are not benificial to beginners. Because thats exactly how the snow was on the bunny hill. After an hour of helping kelsie get down the hill she was ready to be done and we were ready to call it a day. Kelsie will be giving snowboarding a try with our friend krista here in the next few days. We will see. The next thing that happened well was kelsies visit to the dentist. It was a wake up call when kelsie came out and said, "so guess what?!?! i need my wisdom teeth out!" Oh joy, that was went through my mind. I remember how my recovery went and was like man Kelsie is in for a roller coaster of pain. So on monday Kelsie went to the dentist at 11 and at 2 came out like a chipmunk. And yes she approves of this name. Her nickname was "simon". These past few days have pretty hard for kelsie. The medicine that her doctor had prescribed her has definately not been her friend. Lets just say her stomach has been in rebelion while on this medicine. she has happy to say now on day 5 of recovery that her stomach is happy becuase well she has had a hot dog, Mac n' Cheese, lots of soup and her accomplishment of the day A taco and a HALF!!!. she was very proud of that today. Her swelling has greatly gone down and is happy to almost be done with the swelling and almost back into normal life.
We are very still much loving married life and are so excited for christmas. we will try to be better at blogging but life just gets so busy and well facebook takes up most of our time. haha by the way this is one our favorite couple talk moments we've had....Kelsie-"Hey alex for gender i put 'M' for Most awesome Right??" oh kelsie i love you!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ehh What's up Doc?

So recently I've noticed how our life has unfolded like a looney toon cartoon. I started watching the first collection of Bugs Bunny cartoons while at work to stay awake and I have started quoting it like crazy. For the first time I cut alex's hair and I thought I was gonna mess up completely!
Dah dah dah da da.... dah dah dah da da...da da dadadda da dah dah da da da... well I did ok, a 4 all around and a trim behind the ear....I cut too much off and his hair became very square and I laughed so hard I cried! BUt all in all it turned out ok.
We had some fun the last few weeks and we had a nice incident last night involving ice cream. I had not been feeling well and went to the doctor's office, had my blood taken and a scheduled ultrasound for monday to figure out the problem and I wanted ice cream, Ben&Jerry's Brownie Chocolate fudge :). It made me happy and sure enough alex shared it with me, but he wouldn't let me have anymore and closed the ice cream lid. I was sad, i wanted another bite. So I got up and he handed me the ice cream and i looked at him very slyly...I pulled off the lid and took more ice cream. Alex bounded out of the chair and chased after me "Put it back..stop eating it" all around the island I was taking small bites laughing in my victory until he caught up to me and took the ice crema and laughed hen he ran around the island and finished off the ice cream. It was fun and I'm glad we have these odd funny incidents.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Clock

FROM HECK! Don't try this at home!!!!!!!!! So in the spirit of Halloweenwe decided to finally put up our hand made clock thinking it wouldn't take that long. Well 3 hours later and a lot of frustration and i mean A LOT of FRUSTRATION and some not very nice words we accomplished what we thought was a fate worse than death or going to heck and back 3 times! Now we had gotten the idea from a friend, who by the way said it was very easy, she however did not do it the way we had. So we decided to put the clock face in the back of the daisy photo.
Now it sounds like fun and we thought it would be great couple project quick and easy done in an hour here, attach mechanism, put hands on, hang on wall and arrange frames... BUT NO!!! just so we don't keep you all guessing about the frustration that we encountered we'll be so kind and generous as to lay them all out for you.
1. Clock mechanism not so user friendly....part we needed glued to a part we didn't need... thank you manufacturing plant for not following your schematic. The instructions clearly illustrated that ALL parts separated... not true...manufacturer you FAIL!!!
2. Drill hole in in center-OOOPS...too bad they don't make the parts for the hand long enough! So we drilled and chiseled and drilled some more and with about and 1/8" of what was 1/2" is left in the middle of the board backside(this was what started our frustration). Alex's status: My wife hates me...Kelsie's status: what the french toast! Not something i can work with you on!
3. Center daisy with complete mechanism on wall: EPIC FAIL!!!
(So you move the couch and make it center on the couch)
4. Clock number placement template given was COMPLETELY off on alignment. Manufacturer you need a LEVEL!!!!! and a straight edge!!!
(Maybe this is why guys don't ask for direction or read the instructions?!!)
5. Place pictures, in order, aligned and PERFECT on the wall....status: ok..but Epic fail see 6 for why
6. Go back to #1 and add in picture frames...attach hooks to back of picture frames ERROR ERROR not tight and flush (hit husband for being dyslexic) note when buying frames make sure they are wall hanging compatible.
7. Tape hooks so they stay in one place and not flop all over the place...
8. Correctly place nails in correct place on wall so that pictures arraign the way we want it error error inhumanly possible. (always remember the human error, sometimes our eyes aren't on straight.)
9. Look at clock and say the heck with all the mistakes you're not putting in crown molding till we leave!

Now friends after 3 hours of that frustration the end result was well quite nice. But take our advice if you want a cool clock do it the easy way buy one already made. you know just insert your Photo here or better yet get an alarm clock..


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Normalcy may occur

Now that classes have been assigned and well into the semester and a schedule has been ironed out for work, we have begun to see a trend in our life...let's see how long it last!
So far we have achieved good grades in our classes. I'm very happy this semester as opposed to the last 2! I've been getting A's on all my papers and homework and for the most part great grades on my test. I've decided I really like my classes this semester and I'm learning a lot and having fun too. It's occurred to me that Weber State does not have a problem with canceling their classes and test on short notice, unlike USU where I never had a cancel class if it wasn't planned ahead of time(like the beginning of the semester). In the last week I had 4 classes cancel and a midterm canceled until further notice, whatever that means. It's strange and it throws my week out of whack. Alex has been doing good in school, keeping up on his 2 online classes for the most part and doing great on his papers and assignments. He's enjoying school and so far really likes them. He works more than I do so I don't see him a lot during the days when I'm at home and off of school. Right now we're in a battle for the computer. I give him the opportunity first when he has a paper due the same day he wants it. ;)
Outside of that we spend time listening to books, working out, going to family and friend events, some random activities and sleeping.
On the 3rd of September Erica, my sister, got married to Mike. It was a very nice wedding and reception. She had a great turn out and looked very nice in her dress. Our reception was on the 4th of September and I was great. We did a nice job decorating and had a great turn out! OUr cake was beautifully done, Sister Lane did an amazing job!
We recently went to his mission reunion on the 1st. It was fun, a lot of spanish and a heck of a lot of confusion for me! I could translate a little on my own but I felt inadequate compared to all those who spoke so fluently and eloquently. :) It was a great experience for Alex, he loved seeing guys from his area. Most of his companions were mexican or currently serving. His mission president was able to attend, he had been released.
We enjoyed conference, our first sessions together. The Saturday morning session I was on my way to Idaho with Mother Hill and Alex was with Fasha Hill on their way to help Erika and Brent with their fence. President Monson spoke about the new temples and where they were going to be built and as we both listened we heard Hartford, Ct. My heart was full and my testimony in our Heavenly Father grew stronger. My grandparents live back east in Waterbury, Ct, a town over from Hartford. They are not members of the Church or Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but my grandmother when she was out at the beginning of September was interested in learning more. So I sent her a book of Mormon, a few Ensign magazines about temples, and general conference talks and the proclamation to the world The Family to her so she had some good research and information about the church. When I listened to Preisdent Monson say Hartford i knew my prayers had been answered, an opportunity for my grandparents to learn more. Alex called right after and said " Did you hear where they're building a temple!!??" I couldn't contain my joy i was so happy! I know that the Lord does hear our prayers and does answer them in time according to Him.
Well I guess this will cover a good chunk of the last month of out life! Hope we'll post soon!

Alex & Kelsie

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Once upon a crazy week..

Wow it has been forever since we have last blogged, but with school, work and family get togethers it has just been really hard to even sit down and let you all know what has been going on in our lives. Well things have been going just fantastic. A little stressful but you all know how that can be. I just got through a whole week of manual labor. AKA bubble week at the pool. I have been just exhausted having to help move all the parts of the bubble and put the pool back together so that we can open on Monday. And for all you people who keep calling surf n swim thinking that the bubble only takes a day to put up...well think again. and you wonder why we close for a week. But now that it is over with i am grateful to be done. But hey it has been beneficial, i mean because of it i haven't trouble sleeping all night. Both Kelsie and I put in our weeks worth of work. Kelsie ended up having almost 40 hours. That hasn't happened in a long time. Not since summer at least. But even with our endless hours of work this week, we have both kept on top of our school work. Kelsie is loving her criminal justice classes. Its nice to have someone who can let me know when a policeman is justified in pulling me over. I am loving my classes at SLCC. The Fit Tech program is really nice. I must say going through school with a companion that supports you and is there to help you out really does make a difference in schooling. We can both testify to that. :D this week has just been crazy. ready for normal life to begin again.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Once Upon a time...

In a wonderful land called Surf n' Swim we meet our prince sitting on his throne upon head wall. He is watching his subjects frolic about and his eyes chance to see a fair maiden crossing the stretch in front of him. His heart stops a brief in all reality we wish it was like that but lets get to the real story... Alex and I met at Layton Surf n' Swim, a bubble of love (for us) and friendship. We met back in the summer of 2007 not really knowing each other. We really got to know each other that December and January. We loved quoting movies and one day Alex texted me while working and said help me the swimmers are giving me the look of death! I texted back, "find a happy place find a happy place!!"... And so in that moment I instantly thought of Peach from Finding Nemo and gave kelsie her nick-name that has stuck ever since...Peach. And so it started. As Kelsie and I started to get to know each other more and more we started dating in February just 4 months before I left for my mission in Mexico. It was a long but worth while wait for the two of us. But just like a bedtime story Kelsie did wait and we started dating again when I returned....I was there waiting for him when he came off the plane and into the loving arms of his family. I waited till that evening when he was released to get my long awaited hug. It was awesome! It didn't take long for Alex to get back into the groove of things the very next day he... Well lets see as I was coming home from my mission well my Mission President gave me some advice. Well I was obedient to his advice and went on a fun adventure with Kelsie the day after I got home. It was a nice rainy day afternoon, and in my opinion perfect for kissing. :D yes its true I did kiss her that day and well that just started the wheels turning to the events that happened in the future.....8 weeks later Alex got down on one knee and asked his best friend to marry him. He was nervous, had just gotten off work and had the perfect opportunity before and he took it. Then on August 14th I received my endowments at the Bountiful Utah Temple and on the 21st of August Alex and I were sealed for time and all eternity, to live a life full of love, laughter and happy....ever, ever after.:D now for all stay tuned for clips of our life. It may be full of dragons, theft, knights in shinning armor, mistresses and.... oh wait those are for the books, this is real life and its exciting....and with now having our life in front of us, instead of the backseat of the car :) we're ready to begin a long journey...together. :)