Sunday, November 27, 2011

22 weeks and Counting

So it has been awhile since we last posted so here is an update!
October: Well it finished up nicely. My doctor appointments went well and our midterms went well. Alex did great in his and enjoyed learning tons more about the human body and how muscles work. We moved into my parent's house the weekend before halloween and had fun getting adjusted to a new schedule.
November: It's strange to think that November comes to an end here shortly. We found out on the 7th that we are expecting a little girl! We're excited and have been window shopping for fun things we can eventually buy her. :) I am now sitting at 22 weeks 2 days and have had a relatively good pregnancy with no problems really, just a spot of muscle strain but that's what happens when your body is expanding! We had our records transferred to our new ward and are so far liking the change.
We had a nice thanksgiving with both our families. Alex's grandparents came down from Idaho, Kacee came home from school, Erika and Brent and their puppies came over and Kacee's gentlemen friend Cameron joined us for an earlier dinner. We then headed back to my parental's house, Mike and Erica joined the family for dinner and we ha
d our tradition of saying what we are all thankful for. It has been an emotionally straining year for most of the family and it was great to be able to laugh and cry together at the table. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with all of them.
School is coming to a close and I have a couple finals left. Alex has 2 weeks of school left before his finals but it'll be fun. We're enjoying having the blessing of great families around us and friends as my belly keeps growing and as we're anxiously awaiting our lil baby.
Alex, Kelsie and peanut