Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And baby makes 3 :)

So I had my second doctor's appointment today and I was nervous. Alex and I were told last time we might not be able to hear a heat beat because it could be too soon. So we got checked in and waited for my doctor. My doc pulled out the pocket doppler and said "Alright let's see if we can hear it." As I lay there I was excited but nervous and Alex was excited too but didn't show it at first. My heart beat was found pretty quickly and was loud and my doc said "Now we might not hear it..." and as he was searching he finally caught it. It was faint at first but then got it more pinpointed. It was so magical!! I was so excited!! I looked over at Alex and we had the biggest smile on his face! :)
After that we scheduled an ultrasound just to verify how far along I am and found out I am 11 weeks. So unless my doctor says otherwise I am due the middle-end of March 2012 and I will hopefully know what we'll be having in November!


  1. What a cute little blob you've got there! Glad everything looks great!

  2. Ahh! Hearing the heartbeat is always so exciting and reassuring. :)
