So I am up at 6 on a fine Saturday morning and I was thinking about my past accomplishments in the last couple if months and it can be surprising to look back. Last night I took note of these things.
1) I have consistently worked out for 60 days
2) I have improved my mile to be 13:00 from 14:35
3) I can do a plank on my left AND right side!
4) I have improved my eating habits
5) I did 2 5K's
6) I ran 4.60 miles my splits where 13:05, 12:38, 13:07, 17:19(Train), 5:15
7) I feel better
8) I've turned much of my thunder thighs (lol) into muscle
9) I FINALLY realized Alex wasn't a liar, I do look slimmer
10) I fit in my size 12 capris, my favorite ones!
I hadn't taken time to appreciate the little accomplishments and as I was reading 2 of the ladies I follow, Tanee ( and Amanada ( I had to start from somewhere and this will take time. Although I did not start out with the challenges they had, I have my own battle on weight loss. I meet my weight for diet bet as I said in a pervious blog but I started lifting weights and focusing on my power muscles a little more and I gained weight but I am not discouraged. I have a goal of 169 by Dec. 24 but if I don't reach it, it is not for lack of trying. I have 4 weeks but that's ok, I weighted 179.6 this morning and I know it's because my muscle density has increased and that's ok! Both Amanda and Tanee reminded me you have o start somewhere and the biggest challenge is starting and then keeping it up. This is a lifestyle change and it is worth it!
Don't forget to check out of vlog! Friday's video had a terrible time uploading as the storm knocked out out internet over night so Alex woke up to 2% uploaded... he was not a happy camper! Come check us out
We love you guys. Keep up for goals and remember the small accomplishments. I'm off the get some chores done while Saryn in asleep!
Love ya!
Alex, Kelsie, Saryn and Kaiya
KELSIE! I love you dearly. You are awesome, and working hard. Starting somewhere, gets you places. It might be a little slow along the way, but like you said, it's worth it. Just keep telling yourself that! :)