Friday, December 17, 2010

Crazy december

Man oh man here we are december 17 and well we have been slackers in the blogging dept. Many things have happened in december, one of the main ones is that kelsie and I are now finished with school for the sememster. Kelsie did great this semester passing all of her classes and just loving her classes. She is grateful to be done and is greatly enjoying the break from class. I finished this week and well for the first semester back off the mission did surprisingly well. I am excited to start next semester. As part of our pre-celbration, I took kelsie skiing. It was a very fun experience for the two of us. However the snow was not quite up to par because well utah likes to be weird in its weather patterns. Snow for a few days then be 50 degrees for a week. Kelsie did great in the learning area mastering all the turning and stopping in the plow but lets just say slushies are not benificial to beginners. Because thats exactly how the snow was on the bunny hill. After an hour of helping kelsie get down the hill she was ready to be done and we were ready to call it a day. Kelsie will be giving snowboarding a try with our friend krista here in the next few days. We will see. The next thing that happened well was kelsies visit to the dentist. It was a wake up call when kelsie came out and said, "so guess what?!?! i need my wisdom teeth out!" Oh joy, that was went through my mind. I remember how my recovery went and was like man Kelsie is in for a roller coaster of pain. So on monday Kelsie went to the dentist at 11 and at 2 came out like a chipmunk. And yes she approves of this name. Her nickname was "simon". These past few days have pretty hard for kelsie. The medicine that her doctor had prescribed her has definately not been her friend. Lets just say her stomach has been in rebelion while on this medicine. she has happy to say now on day 5 of recovery that her stomach is happy becuase well she has had a hot dog, Mac n' Cheese, lots of soup and her accomplishment of the day A taco and a HALF!!!. she was very proud of that today. Her swelling has greatly gone down and is happy to almost be done with the swelling and almost back into normal life.
We are very still much loving married life and are so excited for christmas. we will try to be better at blogging but life just gets so busy and well facebook takes up most of our time. haha by the way this is one our favorite couple talk moments we've had....Kelsie-"Hey alex for gender i put 'M' for Most awesome Right??" oh kelsie i love you!

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