Sunday, September 19, 2010

Once upon a crazy week..

Wow it has been forever since we have last blogged, but with school, work and family get togethers it has just been really hard to even sit down and let you all know what has been going on in our lives. Well things have been going just fantastic. A little stressful but you all know how that can be. I just got through a whole week of manual labor. AKA bubble week at the pool. I have been just exhausted having to help move all the parts of the bubble and put the pool back together so that we can open on Monday. And for all you people who keep calling surf n swim thinking that the bubble only takes a day to put up...well think again. and you wonder why we close for a week. But now that it is over with i am grateful to be done. But hey it has been beneficial, i mean because of it i haven't trouble sleeping all night. Both Kelsie and I put in our weeks worth of work. Kelsie ended up having almost 40 hours. That hasn't happened in a long time. Not since summer at least. But even with our endless hours of work this week, we have both kept on top of our school work. Kelsie is loving her criminal justice classes. Its nice to have someone who can let me know when a policeman is justified in pulling me over. I am loving my classes at SLCC. The Fit Tech program is really nice. I must say going through school with a companion that supports you and is there to help you out really does make a difference in schooling. We can both testify to that. :D this week has just been crazy. ready for normal life to begin again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alex, I've spent years waiting for "normal" life to begin...good luck with that! :)
