Sunday, September 21, 2014


Hello All!!

Hope you all have been having a wonderful day/night, whenever you are reading this! June was our last written update, vlogging is defiantly the BEST way to see an update on our life but writing sometimes help sort out what can go "unseen" on video.  Quick update for the last 2 1/2 months

Vidcon was awesome, we had a ton of fun and met up with some great people. The trip down was great, we took a snoozer outside of Prim, NV when we decided we were both exhausted. Saryn went to Disneyland for the first time and loved meeting Minnie Mouse, her highlight for the trip for sure. The drive back took FOREVER, traffic was bad and we ended up taking 2 hours longer to get home which with a toddler is a little rough.

Firework fun, Saryn loved seeing all the fireworks for sure. We had some fun at the beach and enjoyed the time we could as a family. Days got longer and so did work! By the end of July we finally had a working swamp cooler and finally relief from the 100+ degree days. We found out we are expecting a girl! We are excited to have another girl grace our family. We went to the family reunion and finally figured out what we were going to name this new little bundle, Emi Rae. Saryn loves the name and likes to see my belly to give it kisses.

This month was literally a blur. We worked, played and reorganized our house in preparation for December. Alex gave his notice at the Rush and started school again at the end of the month. Hie schedule isn't too bad and actually works really well for everyone. Here's to one more semester after this!

Everything up to today has been great. Saryn is starting potty training which many will agree can be frustrating and challenging. We had an appointment at the beginning of the month and I do not have gestational diabetes. We have another appointment this week for 30 weeks, can you believe that? We are getting close, 10 weeks almost!

So I titled this blog "Reflecting". I have been reflecting back to the past 4 or more years, where we were and where we are now. I honestly can say I would not change a thing in my life that has gotten me here today. As I look at where I am at, the world can sum me up as: Working mom of a toddler with one on the way putting her husband through his last year of school. In a nut shell, this is our life and very true. I work full time outside my home. Alex recently took Saryn to a wonderful park called Castle Park in Kaysville this last week and sent me the message "I am the only dad here". In an ideal world I would love to be the one sending Alex texts and pictures of Saryn and I enjoy little adventures, but maybe that day will come.  For now, I live to see our vlogs and to come home to my family. I realized that children change your life drastically some for the better and on some days it feels like it is worse. There are days I know Alex and I think why are we having another child when Saryn is having one of her bad days but are reminded the .2% bad days do not out number the 99.8% good days. I think the one thing I miss most is having friends. I know that's weird to say but it's true. I look at what other people in my life pre marriage are doing or have done recently and realize the people I thought were friends have written me out of their lives. These are the people you see in public you know who they are and you have spent time with them (even lived with them) but for the moment you stop and talk to them the "it was great seeing you" at the end of the conversation is like a knife in the heart. I'm not bitter for my decisions or the actions or others but it seems the people with kids, women in particular, are the ones who get shut out first from all other activities unless it is with other women with children.

Anyway, that's a rant! We love you guys and hope you enjoy these infrequent updates on our life. Check out our vlog if you have time , follow us on facebook instragram and twitter for daily updates.





Alex, Kelsie, Saryn, Kaiya and Baby Emi in my tummy