Dear life cereal,
You complete my life. Your crunchy goodness with cinnamon on top and laced through your waffle weave melts on my tongue and tastes so great. don't change a thing! ta da!!!!! Alex and kelsie Hill........What do you do uuuuo uuuuo with a long weekend..EMPTY SILENCE... well if the weather was nice you could go to la
va hot springs or you could go skiing. But when you have two wheel front wheel drive car, you can't really go anywhere in weather. sit and think...think think think....and random things pop into your head like the letter above. And then you remember every day when you drive home and come into the garage you see the massive five foot seven inch tall snow pile to the left. And you think what would happen if you built a snow cave in your front yard??!?!?!
So we got to thinking...was this actually possible? How many belly slams could we do before the roof caved in?(it never did) Was it going to pass as a livable structure? Could life be supported within its walls? Was it possible that kelsie could over come her claustropho
bia? So the first thing you start to do is pick a spot and dig. and d
ig and dig and two hours later you have your se
lf a nice rooming snow cave for two. With dimensions of 3.5 feet x 4.5 feet x 6.5 feet. These measurements are estimates. but very good ones.
here is how it turned out....
I wonder if this is how a turtle feels??? it was awesome. oh and if you want to have a fun day go around acting like characters from the office. Yes its random but it is so awesome!!!!
That is all....Shun reinstated:D