Sunday, December 11, 2011

Finals have Arrived

Well it is that lovely and most hated part of college life.  The week of finals.  Kelsie the lucky duck is completely done with her's already and i am completely jealous.  Last week kelsie had her finals week and well she basically had none to go to.  During dead week at weber kelsie's spanish professor was kind enough to hold their finals during that week.  So kelsie being the go getter that she is signed up to be the second student to present her final and get the heck out of there.  Then you would think that her other three classes would make her wait till finals week to take her finals but noOOOoooo... they opened those test up a week early as well and were like come on get it done, be free my pretties.  so kelsie followed suit.  So needless to say during dead week for kelsie, she was very much alive and well during finals week, dead.  I have yet to hear "i want to go back" its been straight, "yippee!!!! haha I'm done. You're not!!!!" And you know whats funny here she is since the beginning of the semester saying "man i just want to be done" and is now saying, "hmmm.. maybe i should take chemistry next semester"  But see in my mind this is what I see--- Kelsie + Chemistry+baby=un needed stress.
Well now that I have told all about kelsie's happiness i can get on to my lovely college life.  Its amazing how much the mind set changes.  When I started at slcc this semester I was so psyched that I started later than kelsie, but now that i have finals week a week later than her, I wish i started the same time.  Luckily I think finals are going to go great.  I have one class done as of tonight, have two take home finals, and two in class finals.  I think I'll be alright.

Life as been pretty crazy around here in this part of town.  Last week on the 1st davis county was hit super hard with a gnarly wind storm.  I have never seen so many fallen trees in my life.  Mine and kelsie's parents house were hit pretty hard from the wind.  Well i guess the good side from it all is that now you have a great view of both houses.  haha no more trees in the way.  This was a time where everyone came around and pitched in and helped each other.  My parents ward chipped in the help my parents.  And some random young men from our stake and family friends of kelsie's parents helped over at her parents house. If you guys have been to my parents house you know what is missing from this picture.  Two huge pine trees and oh yeah i forgot to mention that that side of the roof that is facing us got completely ripped off.  The wind was crazy but it was a neat thing to experience.  It could have been worse. We are grateful that it was not.

During this time of the year it is always great to stop and look and the wonderful things that are in your life and realize what you truly are grateful for.  I am grateful for our savior and for the his service and example here on this earth.  I am grateful for my loving wife kelsie.  I am grateful for the chance i will have to be a dad.  This life is awesome i am so grateful for our friends and family.  May all of you cherish what you have and keep smiling. :D:D I ramble sometimes but you know me I like to talk.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

22 weeks and Counting

So it has been awhile since we last posted so here is an update!
October: Well it finished up nicely. My doctor appointments went well and our midterms went well. Alex did great in his and enjoyed learning tons more about the human body and how muscles work. We moved into my parent's house the weekend before halloween and had fun getting adjusted to a new schedule.
November: It's strange to think that November comes to an end here shortly. We found out on the 7th that we are expecting a little girl! We're excited and have been window shopping for fun things we can eventually buy her. :) I am now sitting at 22 weeks 2 days and have had a relatively good pregnancy with no problems really, just a spot of muscle strain but that's what happens when your body is expanding! We had our records transferred to our new ward and are so far liking the change.
We had a nice thanksgiving with both our families. Alex's grandparents came down from Idaho, Kacee came home from school, Erika and Brent and their puppies came over and Kacee's gentlemen friend Cameron joined us for an earlier dinner. We then headed back to my parental's house, Mike and Erica joined the family for dinner and we ha
d our tradition of saying what we are all thankful for. It has been an emotionally straining year for most of the family and it was great to be able to laugh and cry together at the table. I love my family and I enjoy spending time with all of them.
School is coming to a close and I have a couple finals left. Alex has 2 weeks of school left before his finals but it'll be fun. We're enjoying having the blessing of great families around us and friends as my belly keeps growing and as we're anxiously awaiting our lil baby.
Alex, Kelsie and peanut

Saturday, October 1, 2011

14 weeks and counting

Well it has been a crazy month! I've had my morning sickness on and off and I'm still having fun finding which foods to eat:)
My second doctors appointment went well. I was contacted by McKay Dee hospital in regards to a research study that they are conducting with the U of U. The research study is done on first time moms and is looking for indicators toward preeclampsia and indicators of preterm labor. So it's pretty cool. So with this study I go through a questionnaire fill out information on alex and I's family history, get blood samples taken, urine test and ultra sounds to measure the blood around the placenta, the baby and measuring the baby. So we've included my first research ultra sound. The quality is a little off but what cane you do? All I know is this little one has been squirming like crazy and did not like wanting to be on camera. Sounds like Alex :P The baby is healthy and I go in for my next doctors appointment on the 3rd!
School has been going good for Alex and I. We're almost half way through which is crazy to think! Alex has been doing fantastic in his classes and has enjoyed helping me learn spanish along with my 1010 class.
We've been preparing my parents basement for us to be able to move in with them toward the end of the semester. I'm excited to bring a baby into our family and am excited to decorate fresh walls and our baby's room! Alex and his dad spent the week putting in a nice wood lament in two of the rooms all that's left to do is put the base boards up and we can move furniture in. We decided on the color for the baby's room and as we painted it on the walls we loved the color more and more! We'll post pictures as we start to decorate. I'm excited cause it'll give me something to do after school is out until the baby is due! :)
Hope everyone is well and enjoy the pictures!
Alex and Kelsie

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And baby makes 3 :)

So I had my second doctor's appointment today and I was nervous. Alex and I were told last time we might not be able to hear a heat beat because it could be too soon. So we got checked in and waited for my doctor. My doc pulled out the pocket doppler and said "Alright let's see if we can hear it." As I lay there I was excited but nervous and Alex was excited too but didn't show it at first. My heart beat was found pretty quickly and was loud and my doc said "Now we might not hear it..." and as he was searching he finally caught it. It was faint at first but then got it more pinpointed. It was so magical!! I was so excited!! I looked over at Alex and we had the biggest smile on his face! :)
After that we scheduled an ultrasound just to verify how far along I am and found out I am 11 weeks. So unless my doctor says otherwise I am due the middle-end of March 2012 and I will hopefully know what we'll be having in November!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Did we really have to come back???

Well here we are just starting september. Wow can you believe that it is september already?? We sure can't. Much has happened already and its only the third. Lets see oh BYU won today. Epic win :D Kelsie and I have started school once again. This is probably going to be Kelsie's last semester for a while. Since she will be in her last trimester we both thought that it would be wise that she take that time off from school in preparation for the baby. We are really excited!!! as you can tell from the picture we are excited. Oh yeah we have to let you all know how our vacation was..........................#1 FReAKING AWESOME!!!!
It really was a blast it was a nice basically 5 day relaxation, adventure-cation we've wanted for some time now. We flew out on the 17th of August and got to pick up a nice nissan versa for our rental car.
We got some food and relaxed the rest of the day.
Thursday the 18th was awesome. We went to Six Flags Magic Mountain, a place Alex has wanted to go for the longest time. Kelsie was a little under the weather but went on as many rides as her tummy could handle. Our first ride of the day as the park opened was Colossus, the awesome two track old white coaster. It was sick needless to say and a great way to start the day off. Not to mention we were the first and only riders. :) Next was Scream that one was pretty cool and mind blowing. It was a hanging coaster that had some really nice loops and cork screws and was really exciting..once again the only riders ;) yeah we're just that amazing. Then it was on to Goliath that was awesome and scary :) haha we took a break and rode the swashbuckler... it was a swing and well spinny. We went on Batman the ride, Alex went on Riddler's Revenge, then unto Apocalypse, then Alex went on Tatsu which to him was the SECOND BEST ride of the entire trip. It was a flying coaster and was pretty amazing to watch I recommend watching the POV on youtube for it. Then after a $20 lunch of two slices of pizza (ouch that was ridiculous!!) it was onto Superman, Escape from Krypton, now that was THE BEST number one ride of the entire trip for Alex. Combine being shot backwards at 100 mphs then going up 40 stories and free falling back down = AAAAAwwwwsome! hah it was pretty epic and sounded like a plane taking off! Yea needless to say it was awesome!! On friday we ventured to Knott's Berry Farm. Kelsie was feeling much better and went on all the rides that Alex did. We started out slower than at Six flags and just enjoyed our time walking around. We went on Sierra Sidewinder, Montazuma's Revenge, La Revolution and Jaguar were just the start of our day. We ate lunch which wasn't bad and Kelsie actually ate a hotdog and didn't get sick at all, I was so proud of her! Especially since she got up the nerve to go on the Xcelerator right after we finished eating!! She will agree it was THE BEST ride she went on for the entire trip and I'm glad she enjoyed it! ( I'd totally go on it again it was a blast) The it was onto the Boomerang, Silver Bullet and Wind Seeker-Knott's newest attraction that boasts a swing that sends you up 301 feet to view the surrounding area all the while spinning you around and around... did we mention you're up 301 feet? Then to relax we watched Happiness is Snoopy on ice and picked out our souvenirs.
Saturday we went to the San Diego Temple...o my heck we where in HEAVEN almost literally. The highlight of our trip and here is why. So That Saturday marked the Saturday we got married although it was the 20th. We had wanted to get there for the very first session but enjoyed our sleep to much. It was a two hour drive from were we where in Torrance so we eventually got down there and made it to the 11 o clock session. It was a very special time for us because we were sealed in the Bountiful Temple for time and all eternity at around 10:30 am. When we left the session we soaked up the joy and happiness of it all. San Diego is the temple we had originally wanted to be sealed in but Bountiful was the better option for many reasons. :) We had finally made it to "our temple", especially because in our home we have more pictures of the San Diego Temple then the Bountiful temple.
A year later, we still love each other and we will have a new member in March to share our blessing and love with. Life is good and our marriage is one that will always make us say "Adventure is out there!"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

11 1/2.... :)

So July wrapped up pretty nicely..hmm where did we leave off...
Kelsie got a job at Weber State Davis campus at the bookstore! She was so excited to be back to work!!
Alex donated blood for the first time and did fantastic...with much dismay to Kelsie who secretly hoped he'd pass out..or something...

Well and the biggest news yet... drum roll please!!da da da da da da da da da...
We're gonna be parents!! Alex would describe his feelings of receiving the news that he was going to be a dad as: WHOO HA!! I'm gonna be a daddy? :D
Kelsie felt like her tummy was going to explode :) (well...umm it did a few weeks later hah!)
So for now Kelsie is about 7 weeks pregnant and doing fine...she's battling her morning/day sickness as best she can and say she's won the brunt of the battle so far. She's excited to see what will happen this week and always looks forward to a meal that stays down. ;) We're hoping to have a Mac baby as father hill calls it, seeing as Kelsie's favorite meal as of late, 2 of 3 meals anyway, has been classic Kraft mac and cheese.

As for now we've watched as the weeks quickly flew by to today and realized we go on vacation on Wednesday!! Man that came quick!! So for now it is goodbye until next time. If/when will get an ultrasound or any other information we will inform via blog! :)
Hope you all have a great Sunday and your week goes fantastic, I know we'll have a great and much needed vacation this week!

Love Always,
Alex&Kelsie :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

11 Months and Counting

Once Upon a Time Alex and Kelsie feel in love with BoardShorts Media's Kid History Series :).

In recent news we have been very active since our last post and staying busy. This summer has truly started to vanish and we attribute it to the lack of having a spring that was really an extended winter that turned right into summer. But here is a quick update from May.
May- Survived bubble week and all it's craziness. Alex relaxed plenty and enjoyed an at home spa to make his back feel better.
To the dismay of all of Kelsie's favorite senior aerobic people, she left the morning shift at the pool to pursue looking for a CNA job. Kelsie started her summer semester at weber to finish up her associates with History 1110. Alex passed his motorcycle class and can now ride any cc, he prefers everything above a 650....
We went planking in the park and had a crazy time :)

June- Went to Caitlin Payne's endowment session and Jessica & Bill's sealing the very first part of June. :) Caitlin had fun at her endowment and we were very glad to be apart of this special event in her life! Jess and Bill had a splendid ceremony, it was amazing! We are so happy for them and their choice to marry for time and all eternity, congrats to you two!
Went hiking up Adam's Canyon together, man it was great! I've never made it all the way to the Waterfall and Alex has never been on that trail. It was a great 3 hour adventure!!
We went to BoonDocks for the first time with Caitlin Payne and got addicted to laser tag and cut the rope haha :) we really wanted to win and ipod now we're just trying to get enough tickets to win a kitchen aid :)
Kelsie started sewing again and finished our picnic quilt it looks great for never making a jean quilt before!

So thus far in July we have been pretty active still and have enjoyed all 8 days so far!
We went hiking again up to Adam's this time with Emily and Rhys Doud it was way fun!
Celebrated the 4th of the July with fireworks, family and friends. (as well as got hit with firework piece haha)
Kelsie took the Doud's horse back riding on the 7th and they were natural riders, they did amazing!! :)
drum roll please....
Bought tickets to fly out to Cali to celebrate our one year anniversary!! :) :) we are so excited to go out and have fun!

SO for now we conclude until next time and finish up our July craziness! And for those of you who might be wondering what we'll do next just wait till you hear me ask Alex "What are we gonna do today Phineas?" or "What are we gonna do today Ferb?"

I know what I'm gonna do today!!
Alex and Kelsie

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Recent News

Wow..we are terrible at updating our blog!!! It doesn't seem like it has been 3 months since our last post..the weather defiantly proves otherwise. So what have we been up to? Let's start with seems to be pretty gloomy right now especially cause it's still raining for the 3rd day now and places have gotten snow.. man this weather is just crazy!!
Well on to our update:
February ended well.. as you can tell from our last post we had a snow cave.
Our snow cave melted..very quickly I might add...for a few days it felt like June not March.
We bought a Lime Green Scooter and we named him Ozzie. :) I still do not have a picture of his splendidness
Alex turned 22 and he got spoiled for it! O how I love my husband :) his cake was funny 18 + 4..all in candles
On a sadder note... My family put down our best friend Mini after 7 faithful years. She was a awesome Great Dane and she is still missed.
Kelsie started CNA class
We finished this semester! hooray!!
Had a very busy schedule, Alex got all A's and Kelsie's lowest grade was a B- in English 2010 :) the rest were A's yay
Watched General Conference, it was awesome!! Loved it very much!! I love the prophet and all the apostles. Heck we love this church! on a lighter note Alex has fulfilled the prophets message. He must have had a revelation seeing as we've been married 9 months now.
The Easter Bunny forgot our little humble home...but it's not really his fault.. he lost track of time...
May thus far
Finished my CNA Class, finished my clinical hours, waiting to take state test and got my certificate for nursing assisting :)
I got my vibrams and I love them
Alex, in all his thoughtfulness and husbandlyness...bought Kelsie an elbow shaped pillow for her 20th birthday. He spoiled her and was very creative
Alex started taking motorcycle class and the weather rained out part of his class..
Enter bubble week: How do you say OWWW? Alex is still recovering and we are on day 4...that darn PVC skin..why can't you have handholds? and also dear rain...please go, water logged guards

well that's all we can think of :) we will for sure post pictures soon. Stay tuned (but not strictly) to another installment (when we find the time) of Once Upon a time... there was a bubble...
Alex and Kelsie

PS. Kelsie's favorite quote was from a KSL article that compared the flooding to "trying to stop a semi with a squirrel.." hahah :D Utah people are so funny-peace out

Sunday, February 27, 2011

SNoW CAVE?!?!?!?!?!?

Dear life cereal,
You complete my life. Your crunchy goodness with cinnamon on top and laced through your waffle weave melts on my tongue and tastes so great. don't change a thing! ta da!!!!! Alex and kelsie Hill........What do you do uuuuo uuuuo with a long weekend..EMPTY SILENCE... well if the weather was nice you could go to la
va hot springs or you could go skiing. But when you have two wheel front wheel drive car, you can't really go anywhere in weather. sit and think...think think think....and random things pop into your head like the letter above. And then you remember every day when you drive home and come into the garage you see the massive five foot seven inch tall snow pile to the left. And you think what would happen if you built a snow cave in your front yard??!?!?!
So we got to thinking...was this actually possible? How many belly slams could we do before the roof caved in?(it never did) Was it going to pass as a livable structure? Could life be supported within its walls? Was it possible that kelsie could over come her claustropho
bia? So the first thing you start to do is pick a spot and dig. and d
ig and dig and two hours later you have your se
lf a nice rooming snow cave for two. With dimensions of 3.5 feet x 4.5 feet x 6.5 feet. These measurements are estimates. but very good ones.
here is how it turned out....

I wonder if this is how a turtle feels??? it was awesome. oh and if you want to have a fun day go around acting like characters from the office. Yes its random but it is so awesome!!!!
That is all....Shun reinstated:D

Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year

Just as i put in one of my posts on facebook... Well....That was epic..... thats about how Kelsie and I rang in the new year. It was very low key but it was our new year ever spent together. It gave us warm fuzzies to put in Pres. Monson's fuzzy jar. So now that a year has come and gone what has happened in the past year?!?!?!

Jan 2010-Came home from my mission for surgery!
Feb- Recovered from Surgery and prepped to return to mission, kelsie visited the sick boy alex. Kelsie completed one year of being a member of the CHurch.
March- Return to mexico to finish my mission. Turned 21.....i was a somebody again........Kelsie went to wyoming for spring break! EPic!!
April-Watched general conference(thats new?!?! not really but it did happen) Finals prep for kelsie(with the event of Me coming home in a couple of weeks)
May-THis is a big MONTH!!!...Kelsie finished finals(Phew!!!) and turned 19!!! and seven days later was jumping off her seat and feet when she came to the airport to see me come home from my mission. Got my first hug from kelsie in two years...sealed it one day later with a kiss in the rain!! :D Got hired on back at Surf. still there. Registered for my awesome spanish class at BYU.
June-WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK PLAY WORK WORK WORK PLAY and more WORK......if you look hard enough you can see that we did have some fun.
July-WORK WORK, almost finish the basement for me to live in....ok scratch that solo living in the basement because on july 13 i proposed to Kelsie!!!! the same day i bought her ring!!! ya got to plan for the unexpected. WEDDING PLANNING did we mention it was only 5 weeks later.??
August-Finished my spanish class with 19 credits of A :D, Kelsie went through the bountiful temple for the first time. On the 21 Kelsie and I were sealed in the Bountiful Temple for time and all eternity. Bought a wii and Started school the following monday!!!

September- Kelsie's sister Erica was married, the following day we had our reception. the rest of september was basically filled with school and work. It just really wasn't that exciting.
November-Visited Brent and Erika had fun times, spent our first thanksgiving with family. GOOD FOOD! prep for finals week!
December-Finals week. We both did sawesome!!! Skiing for the first time, and two times after. Kelsie did amazing!! and is eager for more. Details in further blogs(hopefully). Kelsie got her wisdom teeth out. That was a painful and long experience. CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! was great!!! got lots of fun things to help us in the future. I can't wait to use my awesome microwave!! and then New years eve. Like in years past was spent playing guitar hero and the wii with great friends. With a new addition JUST DANCE 2. muahwahwahahahaha. This year was a great year and we are so excited for what this next year will bring. Hopefully We are more on the ball with keeping you all updated. See you around!!!!