In a wonderful land called Surf n' Swim we meet our prince sitting on his throne upon head wall. He is watching his subjects frolic about and his eyes chance to see a fair maiden crossing the stretch in front of him. His heart stops a brief in all reality we wish it was like that but lets get to the real story... Alex and I met at Layton Surf n' Swim, a bubble of love (for us) and friendship. We met back in the summer of 2007 not really knowing each other. We really got to know each other that December and January. We loved quoting movies and one day Alex texted me while working and said help me the swimmers are giving me the look of death! I texted back, "find a happy place find a happy place!!"... And so in that moment I instantly thought of Peach from Finding Nemo and gave kelsie her nick-name that has stuck ever since...Peach. And so it started. As Kelsie and I started to get to know each other more and more we started dating in February just 4 months before I left for my mission in Mexico. It was a long but worth while wait for the two of us. But just like a bedtime story Kelsie did wait and we started dating again when I returned....I was there waiting for him when he came off the plane and into the loving arms of his family. I waited till that evening when he was released to get my long awaited hug. It was awesome! It didn't take long for Alex to get back into the groove of things the very next day he... Well lets see as I was coming home from my mission well my Mission President gave me some advice. Well I was obedient to his advice and went on a fun adventure with Kelsie the day after I got home. It was a nice rainy day afternoon, and in my opinion perfect for kissing. :D yes its true I did kiss her that day and well that just started the wheels turning to the events that happened in the future.....8 weeks later Alex got down on one knee and asked his best friend to marry him. He was nervous, had just gotten off work and had the perfect opportunity before and he took it. Then on August 14th I received my endowments at the Bountiful Utah Temple and on the 21st of August Alex and I were sealed for time and all eternity, to live a life full of love, laughter and happy....ever, ever after.:D now for all stay tuned for clips of our life. It may be full of dragons, theft, knights in shinning armor, mistresses and.... oh wait those are for the books, this is real life and its exciting....and with now having our life in front of us, instead of the backseat of the car :) we're ready to begin a long journey...together. :)